Academic Bio
Dr. Hripsime Haroutunian grew up in Yerevan, Armenia. After receiving her M.A. in Teaching English and German Languages as Second Language from Armenian Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages, Yerevan, she entered graduate school at the Institut Vostokovedeniya of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. In 1992 she received her Ph.D. in Ancient Near Eastern Languages, History and Civilizations. Her dissertation was entitled: “Hittite Domestic Life. Hittite Ideas and Ceremonies Concerning the ‘House/Home’.” (Academic advisors: V. G. Ardzinba, V. V. Ivanov, L. S. Bayun)
In 1993 Haroutunian received a Fullbright Fellowship to pursue research at the Hittite Dictionary project at the University of Chicago. She has been in Chicago since then. From 1994 to 2001 she worked as a Research Associate in the above mentioned project. Meanwhile she taught a number of Adult Education Courses in Hittite History, Religion and Culture at the Oriental Institute.
In 2001 Dr. Haroutunian joined the NELC faculty and has been offering a variety of courses at the University of Chicago, including Armenian Language (Modern at 3 levels and Classical) and Literature, History and Culture of Armenia, Hittite Empire, etc.
Haroutunian's research has concentrated on linguistic and cultural-religious topics relating to Hittite texts, as well as aspects of Armenian culture like traditions and beliefs. The scope of her interests stretches from Armenian history and culture to that of neighboring Post-Soviet Independent States, as well as Indo-European Studies, Human Rights Studies, etc.
Recent & Regularly Taught Courses
- ARME 10101-02-03 Elementary Modern Armenian
- ARME 20101-02-03 Intermediate Modern Armenian
- NEHC 20005 Ancient Near Eastern Thought and Literature: Anatolian Lit
- NEHC 20011 Ancient Empires 1 : Hittite Empire