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Faculty Bookshelf

Franklin D Lewis, Asghar Seyed-Gohrab
The Art of Teaching Persian Literature: From Theory to Practice

Christopher A. Faraone
The Greco-Egyptian Magical Formularies: Libraries, Books, and Individual Recipes
University of Michigan Press, 2022

Christopher A. Faraone
Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1
California Classical Studies, 2022

Legacies of Islamic Ecumenicism: Taqrib, Shi'a-Sunni Relations, and Globalized Politics in the Middle East
Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2021

A History of Hittite Literacy: Writing and Reading in Late Bronze-Age Anatolia (1650–1200 BC)

Rediscovering the Islamic Classics: How Editors and Print Culture Transformed an Intellectual Tradition
Princeton University Press, 2020

Dominic P. Brookshaw
The Routledge Introductory Persian Course
Routledge, 2020

The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy of Persian
Routledge, 2020

The Chicago Hittite Dictionary. Volume Š/4, -šma/i- to šuu.
The Oriental Institute, 2019

Light in the Heavens: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
New York University Press, 2019

H. Erdem Çıpa
Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands
Academic Studies Press, 2018

H. Erdem Çıpa
Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands
Academic Studies Press, 2018

Florilegium marianum XVI. L’agriculture irriguée au royaume de Mari: essai d’histoire des techniques
SEPOA, 2018

Michael T. Fisher, Abdul Hafiz Latify, Najibullah Popal, and Nancy Hatch Dupree, (eds.)
Preserving the Cultural heritage of Afghanistan: Proceedings of the International Conference held at Kabul University, November 2014
Oriental Institute Publications, 2017

Light in the Heavens: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad
New York University Press, 2016

al-Qadi al-Quda'i
A Treasury of Virtues: Sayings, Sermons, and Teachings of Ali
New York University Press, 2016

Colección Clásica Gredos, 2015

Margrit Pernau, Helge Jordheim, Christian Bailey, Oleg Benesch, Jan Ifversen, Mana Kia, Rochona Majumdar, Angelika C. Messner, Myoung-kyu Park, Emmanuelle Saada, Mohinder Singh, and Einar Wigen
Civilizing Emotions: Concepts in Nineteenth Century Asia and Europe
Oxford University Press, 2015

A State of Mixture: Christians, Zoroastrians, and Iranian Political Culture in Late Antiquity
University of California Press, 2015

Radwa Ashour
The Woman from Tantoura
The American University in Cairo Press, 2014

Klaas A. Worp
Greek Papyri from Monteserrat
Scripta orientalia, 2014

Die babylonischen Kudurru-Inschriften von der kassitischen bis zur frühneubabylonischen Zeit.: Untersucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ...
Ugarit, 2014

al-Qadi al-Quda'i
A Treasury of Virtues: Sayings, Sermons, and Teachings of 'Ali
New York University Press, 2014

Processing Compound Verbs in Persian
Leiden University Press and University of Chicago Press, 2014

The Canonization of Islamic Law: A Social and Intellectual History
Cambridge University Press, 2013

Hans G. Güterbock†, Harry A. Hoffner, Richard H. Beal, Oǧuz Soysal
The Chicago Hittite Dictionary. Volume Š/3, še to LÚ šizišalla-
The Oriental Institute, 2013

Case in Semitic: Roles, Relations, and Reconstruction
Oxford University Press, 2013

Prosaic Conditions: Heinrich Heine and the Spaces of Zionist Literature
Northwestern University Press, 2013

Hayedeh Torabi
Basic Persian – A Grammar and Workbook
Routledge, 2012

Climate, Environment and Agriculture in Assyria in the 2nd Half of the 2nd Millennium BCE
Harrassowitz, 2011

Naguib Mahfouz: In the Time of Love
The American University in Cairo Press, 2010

Juan Gil
P. Monts. Roca III, 2010

Kabalci Yayinevi , 2010

Rumi før og nu, Øst og Vest. Jalal al-Din Rumis liv, lære og digtning
Forlaget Vandkunsten, 2010

The Other Iraq – Pluralism and Culture in Hashemite Iraq
Stanford University Press, 2009

The Grammar of Perspective: The Sumerian Conjugation Prefixes as a System of Voice
Brill, 2008

Temporale Satzverbindungen in altosmanischen Prosatexten: Mit einer Teiledition aus Behcetü’l-Hada’iq (1303 und 1429), Muqaddime-i Qutbeddın (1433) und Ferec ba'de’s-sidde (1451) (Turcologica)
Wiesbaden, 2005

Sargonic Akkadian: A Historical and Comparative Study of the Syllabic Texts
Harrassowitz, 2005

Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
Oriental Institute Publications, 2005

Al-Mu'ayyad al-Shirazi and Fatimid Da'wa Poetry: A Case of Commitment in Classical Arabic Literature
Brill Academic Publishers, 2005

The Colossal Elephant and His Spiritual Feats
Mazda Publishers, 2004

Reinheid in het Oude Nabije Oosten (Purity in the Ancient Near East)
thematic issue of Phoenix 48, 2002

Rumi: Past and Present, East and West
One World Publications, 2000

Rethinking World Systems : Diasporas, Colonies, and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia
Arizona Press, 1999

Narratives of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing
Darwin Press, 1998

Early Philosophical Shiism: The Ismaili Neoplatonism of Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sijistānī
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993

Bureaucrat and Intellectual in the Ottoman Empire: The Historian Mustafa Ali (1541-1600).
Princeton University Press, 1986

Ashkelon 1: Introduction and Overview, 1985–2006 (with L. E. Stager and D. M. Master et al.)

Ashkelon 6: The Middle Bronze Age Ramparts and Gates of the North Slope and Later Fortifications (with L. E. Stager and R. J. Voss et al.)

David Schloen
Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager (editor)

David Schloen