The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1903 (www.metmuseum.org).
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Suay Seyma Erkusoz | "Trajectories Of Craft Production in The Middle Chalcolithic Period in Western Anatolia"
James Osborne |
Brian Muhs |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Tahera Qutbuddin & Hussein Agrama |
Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Bard College |
Raghda (Didi) El-Behaedi | "A Story of Resilience: Using Remote Sensing, GIS, and Geophysical Techniques to Reconstruct Paleolake and Settlement Development in the Egyptian Fayum Depression"
Nadine Moeller & Mehrnoush Soroush |
Assistant Professor of Mediterranean Archaeology in the Department of Classics, Archaeology, and Religion, University of Missouri |
Betül Kaya | "A Sociolegal History of Judging non-Muslim Communal Affairs in early seventeenth-century greater Istanbul "
Hakan Karateke |
Donald Whitcomb |
Research Associate, Institute of Nautical Archaeology |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Franklin Lewis & Thibaut d'Hurbert |
Assistant Professor of Classical Persian Literature, Department of Asian Studies, The University of British Columbia |
Allison Kanner-Botan | "Maddening Love: Islamic Thought and the Politics of Desire in the Legend ofLayla and Majnun"
Michael Sells & Tahera Qutbuddin/Franklin Lewis |
Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow , the University of Colorado Boulder |
Ghenwa Hayek |
Teaching Fellow, the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago |
Thalia Lysen | "Staging Kingship: A Performance-Oriented Approach to the Hittite Theatre of State"
Theo van den Hout |
Policy Officer, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in The Hague |
Petra Goedegebuure & Chris Woods |
Research Associate (VIEWS Project), The University of Cambridge |
Luiza Osorio G. da Silva | "Kingship in the Everyday: Experiencing Royal Authority in the Middle Kingdom"
James Osborne & Nadine Moeller |
Assistant Professor of Ancient Art History and Archeology, the University of California, Irvine |
Brian Muhs |
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Pennsylvania State University |
John Woods |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Joseph Cross | "The Poetics of Plot in the Egyptian and Judean Novela"
Dennis Pardee & Robert Ritner |
Research fellow, ERC project "From Texts to Literature: Demotic Egyptian Papyri and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible" (DEMBIB), Humboldt University Berlin, |
Ella Karev | "Slavery and Servitude in Late Period Egypt (c. 900 – 330 BC)"
Brian Muhs |
Senio Lecturer in Egyptology, Tel Aviv University |
Dennis Pardee |
Faculty Fellow in Theology, School of Theology & Christian Ministry, Belmont University |
Isabel Lachenauer | "Art Wept: New Approaches to Reading Emotions in Dnismendnme"
Hakan Karateke |
Sunwoo Lee | "Exploring Pain in Ancient Egypt"
Janet Johnson |
Fred Donner |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Rao Mohsin Ali Noor | "Contending With Crisis: Sacred Bodies and the Ottoman Quest for order in the long 17th century "
Hakan Karateke |
Assistant Professor of Early Modern Ottoman History at Johns Hopkins University, |
Orit Bashkin |
Associate, Product Analyst , KPMG |
Doren Snoek | "Social Memory, Scribalism, and the Book of Chronicles"
Dennis Pardee |
Teaching Fellow in the Divinity School, The University of Chicago |
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Michael J. Bechtel | "From Collective Sovereignty to Autocracy: the Evolution of the Mongol Empire, 1227-1251"
John Woods |
Instructor, Department of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Nazarbayev University |
Andrew Burlingame | "Ugaritic Indefinite Pronouns: Linguistic, Social, and Textual Perspectives"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor of Hebrew, Wheaton College |
Ekin Enacar | "We Laugh at Our Misery: Political Satire, Censorship, and Opposition in the Ottoman Empire (1908-1911)"
Holly Shissler |
Carol Fan | "The Great Mongol Empire: Fragmentation, Unity, and Continuity (1206–C.1300)"
John Woods |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Samuel Harris | "Public Works and Private Work on the Threshold of Complexity: The Production & Use of Space at Late Chalcolithic 1 Tell Surezha, Iraq"
Gil Stein |
Visiting Instructor, Cornerstone Liberal Arts Program, Purdue University |
Tynan Kelly | "Prophetic Eloquence as Linguistic Precedent: Arabic and the Philology of the Hadith in the 2nd/8th Century"
Tahera Qutbuddin |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Tahera Qutbuddin |
Rhyne King | "The House of the Satrap and the Making of the Achaemenid Persian Empire, 522-330 BCE"
Richard Payne & Wouter Henkelman |
Visiting Assistant Professor at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World , New York University |
Chelsie May | "Watching Whiteness Work: The Racialization of Jewish Women in Iraq and Israel/Palestine"
Orit Bashkin |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Mohammad Sagha | "Hidden Empires: Revolt, Leadership, and Underground Networks in the Emergence of Early Shiʿi Muslim Sectarian Identities"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Lecturer in Modern Middle East, Harvard Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. |
Akiva Sanders | "Confrontation and Innovation Between Highland and Lowland: the Upper Euphrates Region in the Early Third Millennium BCE"
James Osborne |
Dan David Fellow in the Study of the Past , Tel Aviv University (2022-2024) |
Hongwei Zhang | "When They Change the Way They Speak: Contact-Induced Word Order Shifts in Semitic"
Rebecca Hasselbach |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Theodore Beers | "The Lives of Sām Mīrzā (923–75/1517–67): Dynastic Strife and Literary World-Building in Early Safavid Iran"
Franklin Lewis |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin |
Joshua Cannon | "Painted Ceramic Traditions and Rural Communities in Hittite Anatolia"
Gil Stein |
Scholar-Mentor, Honors College, University of Pittsburgh |
Brendan Hainline | "Linguistic Variation in the Pyramid Texts"
Brian Muhs |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Ami Huang | "State, Province, and Temple in Kassite Nippur: A Case Study of the Livestock Economy of the EREŠ.DINGIR Priestesses"
Susanne Paulus |
Systems Engineer, McMaster-Carr |
Michael Johnson | "Crafting Culture at Alalakh: Tell Atchana and the Political Economy of Metallurgy"
James Osborne |
Cultural Resources GIS Specialist, Stell Environmental Enterprises |
Anthony Lauricella | "Reuse to Ruin: The Persistence of the Umayyad Built Landscape"
Donald Whitcomb & Fred Donner |
Acting Director, Center for Ancient Middle Eastern Landscapes, The Oriental Institute |
Robert Marineau | "The Literary Effects of Discourse Patterns in Hittite Texts"
Petra Goedegebuure |
Teaching Fellow in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and in the College, The University of Chicago |
Pelle Valentin Olsen | "Between Work and School: Leisure and Modernity in Hashemite Baghdad, 1921-1958"
Orit Bashkin |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Roskilde University, Denmark |
Kara A. Peruccio | "Women on the Verge: Emotions, Authoritarianism, and the Novel in Italy and Turkey, 1922-1936"
Holly Shissler |
Assistant Professor of Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and History, University of Maine |
Nicholas Polk | "Deuteronomy and Treaty Texts: A Critical Reexamination of Deuteronomy 13, 17, 27, and 28"
Dennis Pardee |
Senior Administrative Analyst, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) |
August Samie | "The Shibanid Question: Reassessing 16th-Century Eurasian History in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan"
John Woods |
Oren Siegel | "Walls of the Rulers: The Development of Monumental Enclosure Walls in Ancient Egypt Prior to the New Kingdom "
Nadine Moeller |
Postdoctoral researcher and digital specialist, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures at the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Sami Sweis | "Hashemite Household Anxieties: The Amirate of Mecca, Arabism, and the Arab Revolt (1880-1919)"
Orit Baskin |
Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Centre College |
Amir Toft | "Revaluing the Price of Blood: Homicide in Islamic Jurisprudence and Ottoman Law"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Associate Chaplain of the University for the Muslim Community, Brown University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Toygun Altintas | " Crisis and (Dis)Order: Armenian Revolutionaries and the Hamidian Regime in the Ottoman Empire, 1887-1896"
Holly Shissler |
EUME Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation |
Shiraz Hajiani | "Reconstructing Alamut: New Approaches to the Study of the Qiyāma and the Nizari Polity in Iran"
John Woods |
Alwaleed Postdoctoral Fellow in Islamic Studies - Harvard University, Research Associate in Transcendence and Transformation, Center for the Study of World Religions and Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Harvard Divinity School |
Samuel Hodgkin | "Lāhūtī: Persian Poetry in the Making of the Literary International, 1906-1957"
Franklin Lewis |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature, Yale University |
Charles Huff | "Punishment in the Priestly Literature"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry |
N. Ipek Huner Cora | "'The Story Has It:' Prose, Gender, and Space in the Early Modern Ottoman World"
Hakan Karateke |
Assistant Professor, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Boğaziçi University |
Jane Mikkelson | "Worlds of the Imagination: Bīdel of Delhi (d.1720) and Early Modern Persian Lyric Style"
Franklin Lewis & Muzaffar Alam |
Lecturer and Associate Research Scholar, Department of Comparative Literature and Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Yale University |
Madadh Richey | " Visions of Gods and Monsters: Levantine and Mesopotamian Iconographies of Divine Combat and their Textual Impressions"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible, Brandeis University |
Claire Roosien | "Socialism Mediated: The Soviet Mass Public in Uzbekistan, 1928-37"
Holly Shissler |
Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literature, Yale University |
Rachel Schine | "On Blackness in Arabic Popular Literature: The Black Heroes of the Siyar Sha‘biyya, Their Conceptions, Contests, and Contexts"
Tahera Qutbuddin |
Assistant Professor in Arabic and Religious Studies, University of Maryland |
Mariam Sheibani | " Islamic Law in an Age of Crisis and Consolidation: ‘Izz al-Dīn Ibn ‘Abd al-Salām (577-660/1187-1262) and the Ethical Turn in Medieval Islamic Law"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Scarborough |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Laith Al-Saud | "Reading a Radical Thinker: A Study of Sayyid Qutb"
Orit Bashkin |
Ercüment Asil | " The Pursuit of the Modern Mind: Popularization of Science, the Development of the Middle Classes, and Religious Transformation in the Ottoman Empire, 1860-1880"
Holly Shissler |
Lecturer, Alliance of Civilizations Institute , Ibn Haldun University |
Kevin Blankinship | "Thresholds of Doubt: Negotiating Authorship in the Paratexts of al-Maʿarrī"
Tahera Qutbuddin |
Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature , Brigham Young University |
Mary Buck | "The Amorite Dynasty of Ugarit: The Historical Origins of the Bronze Age Polity of Ugarit Based upon Linguistic, Literary, and Archaeological Evidence"
Dennis Pardee |
Data Protection, McKinsey & Company |
Madeleine Elfenbein | "No Empire for Old Men: The Young Ottomans and the World, 1856-1878"
Holly Shissler |
Early Career Fellow , Lichtenberg-Kolleg, the Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study |
Annie Greene | "Provincial, Not Peripheral: Ottoman-Iraqi Intellectuals and Cultural Networks, 1863-1914"
Orit Bashkin |
Fellow, The Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
Soloman Hassan | " By the Moon: The Calendar in Imāmī Law"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Founder & President, Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Seminary |
Brittany Hayden | " Price Formation and Fluctuation in Ptolemaic Egypt"
Brian Muhs |
Senior Business Partner, Microsoft |
Tytus Mikolajczak | "The Accounting Texts and Seals in the Persepolis Fortification Archive"
Matthew Stolper |
Assistant Professor, History, Adam Mickiewicz University |
Jessica Mutter | "By the Book: Conversion and Religious Identity in Early Islamic Bilād al-Shām and al-Jazīra"
Fred Donner |
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Religion, Bowdoin College |
Julio Rivera | " Syria at the United Nations, 1945-1955: The Struggle for Sovereignty and Territorial Claims in Palestine"
Orit Bashkin |
Director of Research Operations, Yaqeen Institute |
Carl Shook | "The Origins and Development of Iraq’s National Boundaries, 1918-1932: Policing and Political Geography in the Iraq-Nejd and Iraq-Syria Borderlands"
Orit Bashkin |
Lecturer, Loyola University Chicago |
Stephen Sumner | "The Curses in the Psalms and Levantine Inscriptions"
Dennis Pardee |
Professor of Old Testament Mission, Missional University |
Jonathan Winnerman | " Rethinking the Royal Ka"
Robert Ritner |
Lecturer in Egyptology, UCLA |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Natasha Ayers | "Cultural Change in Upper Egypt from the late Middle Kingdom through the Second Intermediate Period: A New Analysis of the Ceramic Material"
Nadine Moeller |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Harry Bastermajian | "Emergence of the Global Armenian in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul: Eastern and Western Perspectives"
Orit Bashkin |
Executive Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program, Harvard University |
James Burgin | "Aspects of Religious Administration in the Late New Hittite Kingdom"
Theo van den Hout |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Universität Würzburg |
Megan Clark | "Kurdish Linguistic Disobedience in Turkey"
Holly Shissler |
Suleyman Dost | "An Arabian Qur’ān: Towards a Theory of Peninsular Origins"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor of Late Antiquity and Early Islam, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Toronto, Scarborough |
Michael Fisher | "The Late Chalcolithic 1 Period in Northern Mesopotamia: Tell Zeidan, Syria, in Regional Context"
Gil Stein |
Group Leader of Digital Archaeology, Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology |
Emin Lelic | "Ottoman Physiognomy (ʿilm-i firâset): A Window into the Soul of an Empire"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of History, Salisbury University |
Megaera Lorenz | "The Role of Male Royal Offspring in 18th Dynasty Egypt"
Janet Johnson |
Austin O'Malley | "Poetry and Pedagogy: The Homiletic Verse of Farid al-Din ʿAṭṭâr"
Franklin Lewis |
Roshan Institute Assistant Professor in Persian and Iranian Studies, University of Arizona |
William Pickut | "Literary Genres in Poetic Texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls"
Norman Golb |
Proposal Manager, Hinduja Global Solutions |
Lindsey Weglarz | "Continuity and Change: A Reevaluation of Cultural Identity and "Egyptianization" in Lower Nubia during the New Kingdom "
Nadine Moeller |
Assistant Dean of Students for Admissions, Social Sciences Division, University of Chicago |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Mehmetcan Akpinar | "Narrative Representations of Abū Bakr (d. 634) in the 2nd/8th Century"
Wadad Kadi |
Research and Teaching Associate, Department of Oriental and Islamic Studies, University of Tübingen |
Solange Ashby | "Calling Out to Isis: the Enduring Nubian Presence at Philae"
Janet Johnson |
President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA |
Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer | "The Exploitation of Avian Resources in Ancient Egypt: A Socio-Economic Study"
Janet Johnson |
Adjunct Lecturer in Anthropology at the College of Brockport, SUNY & Curator, Morgan-Manning House |
Yasar Tolga Cora | "Transforming Erzurum/Karin: The Social and Economic History of A Multi-Ethnic Ottoman City in The Nineteenth Century"
Holly Shissler |
Assistant Professor, History Department, Boğaziçi University |
Ferenc Csirkes | "Chaghatay Oration, Ottoman Eloquence, Qizilbash Rhetoric: Turkic Literature in Ṣafavid Persia"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of History, Sabanci University, Turkey |
Paul Gauthier | "Temple and State in Middle Assyrian Bureaucracy"
Walter Farber |
Software Developer, McMaster-Carr Supply Company |
Pascal Held | "The Hanbali School and Mysticism in Sixth/Twelfth Century Baghdad"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Assistant Professor, Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations, The American University in Cairo |
Eric Jobe | "Innovation in Post-Biblical Hebrew Poetry: A Stylistic Analysis of Qumran, Hekhalot, and Payyetanic Poetry"
Norman Golb |
Instructor of Bible and Biblical Languages, St. Macrina Orthodox Institute |
Joshua Mabra | "The Almost Caliph: Reconstructing the Political Life of ‘Abd al-‘Azīz ibn Marwān (D. 86/705)"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor of Arabic, Department of Modern Languages, Wright State University |
Elise MacArthur | "Negotiating Identity in Middle Kingdom Egypt"
Nadine Moeller |
Senior Project Manager, GLTaC, Inc. |
Hannah Marcuson | "The Hittite Munus ŠU.GI, or “Old Woman”"
Theo van den Hout |
Nathaniel Miller | "Tribal Poetics in Early Arabic Poetry: The Case of Ashʿār Banī Hudhayl"
Tahera Qutbuddin, |
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge |
Ahmet Tunç Sen | "Astrology in the Service of the Empire: Knowledge, Prognostication, and Politics at the Ottoman Court, 1450s––1550s"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of Ottoman History, History Department, Columbia University |
Oya Topcuoglu | "Emblems of Power: Ideology and Identity in Late Old Assyrian Glyptic"
McGuire Gibson |
Lecturer, Middle East and North African Studies Program, Northwestern University |
Monique Vincent | "Households, Communities, and Dimensions of Social Identity in the Early Iron Age at Tall al-‘Umayri"
David Schloen |
Assistant Professor of History, Walla Walla University |
Liran Yadgar | "'All the Kings of Arabia are Seeking Your Counsel and Advice': Intellectual and Cultural Exchange between Jews and Muslims in the Later Middle Islamic Period"
Franklin Lewis |
Lecturer in Modern Hebrew, Muhlenberg College |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Rodrigo Adem | "The Sources for an Intellectual Biography of Ibn Taymīya"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies , Georgetown University |
Sabahat Adil | "An Itinerant Scholar: The Life, Work, and World of al-Maqqarī (d. 1631/2 CE)"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Assistant Professor of Arabic, Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Colorado-Boulder |
Muhammet Atcil | "State and Government in the Mid-Sixteenth Century Ottoman Empire: The Grand Vizierates of Rustem Pasha (1544-1561)"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of Ottoman History, Istanbul Medeniyet University |
Drayton Benner | "The Sounds of the Psalter"
Dennis Pardee |
President, Miklal Software Solutions & Staff Software Engineer, Google |
Cameron Cross | "The Poetics of Romantic Love in Vis & Rāmin"
Franklin Lewis |
Assistant Professor of Iranian Studies, University of Michigan |
Cihangir Gundogdu | "Are There No Asylums? The Ottoman State and the Insane, 1856-1908"
Holly Shissler |
Lecturer, History, Bilgi University (Istanbul) |
Edmund Hayes | "The Envoys of the Hidden imam: Religious Institutions and the Politics of the Twelver Occultation Doctrine"
Franklin Lewis |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Leiden University Institute for Area Studies |
Michael Jennings | "Beyond the Walls of Jericho: Khirbet al-Mafjar and the Signature Landscapes of the Jericho Plain"
Donald Whitcomb & Fred Donner |
Director of Field Data, Center for Digital Archaeology |
Christopher Markiewicz | "The Crisis of Rule in Late Medieval Islam: A Study of Idris Bidlisi (1457-1520) and Governance at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century"
Cornell Fleischer |
Lecturer in Ottoman History, University of Birmingham |
Nathan Mastnjak | "The Prophet Who Was before Me: Allusions to Deuteronomy in the Book of Jeremiah"
Dennis Pardee |
Professor of Sacred Scripture, Notre Dame Seminary, Graduate School Of Theology, New Orleans |
Matthew McAffee | "Life and Mortality in Ugaritic: A Lexical, Literary, and Comparative Analysis"
Dennis Pardee |
Provost & Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages, Welch College |
Tate Paulette | "Grain storage and the moral economy in Mesopotamia (3000–2000 BC)"
McGuire Gibson |
Associate Professor, Department of History, North Carolina State University |
Susan Penacho | "Deciphering Sealing Practices at Uronarti and Askut: A Spatial Analysis of the Built Environment and Individual Sealers"
Nadine Moeller |
Project Manager for ASOR CHI Geospatial Initiatives, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley |
Stephanie Selover | "Excavating War: The Archaeology of Warfare in Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Anantolia And the Effects of War on the Rise of Complex Societies"
Gil Stein |
Assistant Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Washington |
Esra Tasdelen | "Nationalism in Serial Fiction: The Cases of Ahmet Hikmet Müftüoğlu and Jurjī Zaydān"
Holly Shissler |
Assistant Professor of Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, North Central College |
Jacqueline Vayntrub | "Proverbs and the Limits of Poetry"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible, Yale Divinity School, Yale University |
G. Yazicioglu | "People of Kanesh: Residential Mobility, Community Life, and Cultural Pluralism in a Bronze Age City in Anatolia, Turkey"
Aslihan Yener |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Brad Bowman | "The Status of Christian Monasteries in the Early Islamic Period"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Louisville |
Samuel Boyd | "Contact and Context: Studies in Language Contact and Literary Strata in the Hebrew Bible"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder |
David Calabro | "Ritual Gestures of Lifting, Extending, and Clasping the Hand(s) in Northwest Semitic Literature and Iconography"
Dennis Pardee |
Visiting Assistant Professor of Ancient Scripture, Brigham Young University |
Garrett Davidson | "Carrying on the Tradition: An Intellectual and Social History of Post-Canonical Sunni Hadith Transmission"
Ahmed El Shamsy |
Assistant Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, College of Charleston |
Virginia Emery | "The House of Rejoicing: Malqata as the Festival Palace of Amenhotep III"
Janet Johnson |
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Western Heritage , Carthage College |
Humphrey Hardy | "Diachronic Development in Biblical Hebrew Prepositions: A Case Study in Grammaticalization"
Dennis Pardee |
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary |
Kaveh Hemmat | "A Chinese System for an Ottoman State: the Frontier, the Millennium, and Ming Bureaucracy in Khatayi's Book of China"
John Woods |
Assistant Professor, Professional Faculty, Department of History, Philosophy, and Theology, Benedictine University |
Daniel Mahoney | "The Political Landscape of the Dhamar Plain in the Central Highlands of Yemen during the Late Medieval and Early Ottoman Periods"
McGuire Gibson |
Postdoctoral Researcher, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Social Anthropology |
Amin Sadr | "Love, Death, and Submission: The Role of the Reader in Rumi's Masnavi "
Franklin Lewis |
Feryal Salem | "'Abd Allah b. al-Mubarak Between Hadith, Jihad, and Zuhd: An Expression of Early Sunni Identity in the Formative Period"
Fred Donner |
Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies and Director of the Master of Divinity in Islamic Studies and Muslim Chaplaincy Program , American Islamic College |
Foy Scalf | "Passports to Eternity: Formulaic Demotic Funerary Texts and the Final Phase of Egyptian Funerary Literature in Roman Egypt"
Robert Ritner |
Head of Research Archives, The Oriental Institute |
Randy Shonkwiler | "The Behdetite: A Study of Horus the Behdetite from the Old Kingdom to the Conquest of Alexander"
Peter Dorman |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Lyall Armstrong | "The Qussas of the Umayyad Caliphate: Religious and Political Discourse in Early Islam"
Wadad Kadi |
Assistant Professor of Islamic History, American University of Beirut |
Kamal Badreshany | "The Social and Economic Impact of Urbanization in the Lebanon: Changes in Settlement Patterns and Craft Production from the Proto-Urban (Chacolithic/EB1) Period to the First Urban Period (EB II-III)"
David Schloen |
Director of the Durham Archaeomaterials Research Centre, Durham University |
Aaron Butts | "Language Maintenance, Lexical Borrowing, and Grammatical Replication: The Case of Greek and Syriac "
Rebecca Hasselbach |
Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Catholic University of America |
Kathryn Grossman | "Early Bronze Age Hamoukar, Syria: A Settlement Biography"
Gil Stein |
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, North Carolina State University |
Hani Khafipour | "Funding State Religion: The Dissemination of Shi'i Education through Safavid Pious Endowment"
John Woods |
Lecturer, College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California |
Eve Krakowski | "Female Adolescence in the Cairo Geniza Documents "
Norman Golb |
Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies and the Program in Judaic Studies, Princeton University |
Rana Mikati | "The Creation of Early Islamic Beirut: The Sea, Scholars, Jihad and the Sacred"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor of History, College of Charleston |
James Tallon | "The Failure of Ottomanism: The Albanian Rebellions of 1909-1912"
Holly Shissler |
Associate Professor of History, Lewis University |
Benjamin Thomas | "Divinity, Prophecy, and the Remembrance of Things Past: Prophetic Historical Writing in the Books of Kings and the Theory of the Deuteronomistic History"
Dennis Pardee |
Research Associate, The Oriental Institute |
Tanya Treptow | "Archaeology and the Construction of Islamic Heritage in Egypt"
Donald Whitcomb & Fred Donner |
Vice President & Co-Director of Research, Slover Linett Audience Research Inc. |
Joseph Yackley | "Bankrupt: Financial Diplomacy in the Late Nineteenth-Century Middle East"
Holly Shissler |
Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Department of State |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Catherine Bronson | "Imagining the Primal Woman: Islamic Selves of Eve"
Wadad Kadi |
Assistant Teaching Professor, Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Notre Dame |
Mayte Green-Mercado | "Morisco Apocalypticism: Politics of Prophecy in the Early Modern Mediterranean"
Cornell Fleischer |
Associate Professor of History, Rutgers University - Newark |
Katharyn Hanson | "Considerations of Cultural Heritage: Threats to Mesopotamian Archaeological Sites"
McGuire Gibson |
Executive Director , The Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TARII) |
Tobin Hartnell | "A Historical Reconstruction of the Ancient Economy in the Kur River Basin, Fars Province, Iran: A Regional Landscape Study"
McGuire Gibson |
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences & Director, Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, American University of Iraq |
Choukri Heddouchi | "For a Darislamic Archaeology: Egypt and West Africa and the Limits of Islamic Archaeology"
Fred Donner & Donald Whitcomb |
Chair, Department of Arabic, Darul Qasim |
Joseph Lam | "The Metaphorical Patterning of the Sin- Concept in Biblical Hebrew"
Dennis Pardee |
Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Volkan Stodolsky | "A New Historical Model and Periodization for the Perception of the Sunnah of the Prophet and His Companions"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor, School of Islamic Studies , Ibn Haldun University |
Elizabeth Urban | "The Early Islamic Mawālī: A Window onto Processes of Identity Construction and Social Change"
Fred Donner |
Assistant Professor of History, West Chester University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Vanessa Davies | "The Dynamics of Hetep in Ancient Egypt"
Janet Johnson |
Assoc. Dir. Institutional Grants & Research Grants Compliance Manager, Bryn Mawr College |
Emran El-Badawi | "Sectarian Scripture: The Qur'an's Dogmatic Rearticulation of the Aramaic Gospel Traditions in the Late Antique Near East"
Fred Donner |
Associate Professor & Program Director of Middle Eastern Studies, Chair, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, University of Houston |
Abdurrahman Atcil | "The Formation of the Ottoman Learned Class and Legal Scholarship (1300-1600)"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Queens College, City University New York |
John Burnight | "Reversal and Response in Job 3-5"
Dennis Pardee |
Associate Professor of Religion, University of Northern Iowa |
Virginia Herrmann | "Society and Economy under Empire at Iron Age Sam’al (Zincirli Höyük, Turkey)"
David Schloen |
Junior Research Group Leader, Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Tübingen |
Rasheed Hosein | "Tribal Alliance Formations and Power Structures in the Jahiliyah and Early Islamic Periods: Quraysh and Thaqif (530-750 CE)"
Fred Donner |
Leann Pace | "A Comparison of Cooking and Serving Wares in Late EB III, EBIV/MB I and MB IIA Syria-Palestine"
David Schloen |
Assistant Teaching Professor, Department for the Study of Religions, Wake Forest University |
Miller Prosser | "Bunušu in Ugaritian Society"
Dennis Pardee |
Research Database Specialist, The OCHRE Data Service, The Oriental Institute |
Jennifer Westerfeld | "Landscapes of Memory: Pharaonic Sacred Space in the Coptic Imagination"
Janet Johnson |
Assistant Professor of Ancient Mediterranean History, University of Louisville |
Malayna Williams | "Signs of Creation: Sex, Gender, Categories, Religion and the Body in Ancient Egypt"
Janet Johnson |
Vice President, Marketing and Business Development, PWR New Media |
Metin Yüksel | "Dengbej, Mullah, Intelligentsia: The Survival and Revival of the Kurdish-Kurmanji Language in the Middle East, 1925-1960"
Holly Shissler |
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Hacettepe University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Maurice Pomerantz | "Licit Magic and Divine Grace: The Life and Letters of al-Sāhib ibn ‘Abbād (D. 385/995)"
Wadad Kadi |
Associate Professor of Literature, New York University Abu Dhabi |
Glenn Corbett | "Mapping the Mute Immortals: A Locational and Contextual Analysis of Thamudic E/Hismaic Inscriptions and Rock Drawings from the Wadi Hafir of Southern Jordan"
David Schloen |
Program Director, Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) |
Adrian De Gifis | "The Depictions of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib in the Works of al-Jahiz"
Wadad Kadi |
Director Clinical Community Campus Student Programs, Michigan State University |
Koowon Kim | "Incubation As a Type- Scene in the Aqhatu, Kirta, and Hannah Stories: Form-Critical and Narratological Study of KTU 1.41 I-1.15 III, 1.17 I-II, and I Samuel 1:1-2:11"
Dennis Pardee |
Associate Professor in Old Testament, Reformed Graduate University in Seoul |
Adam Miglio | "Solidarity and Political Authority During the Reign of Zimri-Lim (c. 1775-1762 B.C.)"
David Schloen & Seth Richardson |
Associate Professor of Archaeology, Wheaton College |
John Nolan | "Mud Sealings and Fourth Dynasty Administration at Giza"
Robert Ritner |
Associate Director, Ancient Egypt Research Associates |
Edward Stratford | "Agents, Archives, and Risk: A Micronarrative Account of Old Assyrian Trade through Å alimahum’s Activities in 1890 B.C."
Martha Roth |
Associate Professor, History Department, Brigham Young University |
Joshua Trampier | "The Dynamic Landscape of the Western Nile Delta from the New Kingdom to the Late Roman Periods"
Nadine Moeller |
Visiting Scientist, Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Sean Anthony | "The Caliph and the Heretic: Ibn Saba’, the Saba’iyya and Early Shi’ism Between Myth and History"
Wadad Kadi |
Associate Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Ohio State University |
Ilker Binbas | "Sharaf al-Din 'Ali Yazdi (ca. 770s-858/ca. 1370s- 1454): Prophecy, Politics, and Historiography in Late Medieval Islamic History"
John Woods |
Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of Bonn |
Elena Corbett | "Jordan First: A History of the Intellectual and Political Economy of Jordanian Antiquity"
Holly Shissler |
Center Director, CIEE Study Center, Amman, Jordan |
Jacqueline Jay | "From Sinuhe to Setna: The Narrative Structure of Ancient Egyptian Tales"
Janet Johnson |
Professor, and Interim Chair of the Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies, Eastern Kentucky University |
Mark Luce | "Frontier As Process: Umayyad Khurāsān"
Wadad Kadi |
Iran/Arabian Peninsula Analyst, Cultural Intelligence Cell, U.S. Army Special Operations Command |
Aram Shahin | "Struggling for Communitas: Arabian Political Thought in the Great Century of Change (ca. 560 - ca. 660 AD)"
Wadad Kadi |
Associate Professor, Arabic, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures & Cultures, James Madison University |
Jonathan Tenney | "Life at the Bottom of Babylonian Society: Servile Laborers at Nippur in the 14th and 13th Centuries BC"
John Brinkman |
Assistant Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell Unviersity |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Abdolmajid Arfaee | "The Geographical Background of the Persepolis Tablets"
Alexander Asa Eger | "The Spaces Between the Teeth: Environment, Settlement, and Interaction on the Islamic-Byzantine Frontier"
Fred Donner & Donald Whitcomb |
Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Yuval Ben-Bassat | "Local Feuds or Premonitions of a Bi- National Conflict? A Reexamination of Early Jewish-Arab Encounters in Palestine, 1882-1903"
Holly Shissler |
Associate Professor, Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, University of Haifa |
Vanessa DeGifis | "Qur'anic Rhetoric in the Politics of al-Ma'mun's Caliphate"
Wadad Kadi |
Chair of Classical & Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies , Wayne State University |
Thomas Hefter | "“You Have Asked...”: The Addressee and the Absent Reader in the Works of Al-Jahiz"
Tahera Qutbuddin |
Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University |
J. Brett McClain | "Restoration Inscriptions and the Tradition of Monumental Restoration"
Peter Dorman |
Research Associate/Senior Epigrapher, Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute |
John Nielsen | "Sons and Descendants: A Social History of Kin Groups and Family Names in the Early Neo- Babylonian Period"
Matthew Stolper |
Assistant Professor of History, Bradley University |
Nükhet Varlık | "Disease and Empire: A History of Plague Epidemics in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire (1453-1600)"
Cornell Fleischer |
Associate Professor of History, Rutgers University-Newark and New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Justine Way | "From Privilege to Poverty: The LIfe-Cycle of Pyramid Settlements During the Old Kingdom"
McGuire Gibson |
Ilya Yakubovich | "Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language"
Theo van den Hout |
Leading Researcher, Russian State University for the Humanities |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Betul Basaran | "Remaking the Gate of Felicity: Policing, Migration and Social Control at the End of the Eighteenth Century"
Cornell Fleischer |
Associate Professor of Religious Studies, St. Mary's College of Maryland |
Daniel Belnap | "Fillets of Fatling and Goblets of Gold: The Use of Meal Events in the Ritual Imagery of the Ugaritic Mythological and Epic Texts"
Dennis Pardee |
Associate Professor, Ancient Scripture, Religious Education, Brigham Young University |
Katherine Burke | "Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh's House at Quseir al-Qadim"
Fred Donner & Donald Whitcomb |
Lecturer , Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures & Research Associate, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA |
Dennis Campbell | "Mood and Modality in Hurrian"
Theo van den Hout |
Associate Professor, History Department, San Francisco State University |
Louis Fishman | "Palestine Revisited: Reassessing the Jewish and Arab National Movements, 1908-1914"
Rashid Khalidi |
Assistant Professor of History, Brooklyn College |
Alyssa Gabbay | "The Language of Tolerance: Amīr Khusraw and the Development of Indo- Persian Culture"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Assistant Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Nicole Hansen | "Motherhood in the Mother of the World: Continuity and Change of Reproductive Concepts and Practices in Egypt from Ancient to Modern Times"
Robert Ritner |
Faculty, Amideast |
Jacob Lauinger | "Archival Practices at Old Babylonian/Middle Bronze Age Alalakh (Level VII)"
Martha Roth |
Associate Professor, Assyriology, Johns Hopkins University |
Gabrielle Novacek | "'Barbarians from the North': Continuity and Change in Northern Palestine during the Early Bronze II-III (ca. 3100-2200 B.C.E.) in Light of the Khirbet Kerak Ware Phenomenon"
David Schloen |
Partner & Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group |
Ebru Turan | "The Sultan's Favorite: Ibrahim Pasa and the Making of the Ottoman Universal Sovereignty in the Reign of Sultan Suleyman (1516-1526)"
Cornell Fleischer |
Assistant Professor of History, Fordham University |
Patrick Wing | "The Jalayirids and Dynastic State Formation in the Medieval Islamic World"
John Woods |
Associate Professor of History, University of Redlands |
Sara Yildiz | "Mongol Rule in Thirteenth-Century Seljuk Anatolia: The Politics of Conquest and History Writing, 1243- 1282"
John Woods |
Research Fellow, School of History, University of St. Andrews |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Carrie Hritz | "Landscape and Settlement in Southern Mesopotamia: A Geoarchaeological Analysis"
McGuire Gibson |
Associate Director of Research, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center |
Jonathan Brown | "The Canonization of al- Bukhari and Muslim: The Formation and Function of the Sunni Hadith Canon "
Wadad Kadi |
Alwaleed Bin Talal Chair of Islamic Civilization, Associate Professor in the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University |
Snjezana Buzov | "The Lawgiver and His Lawmakers: The Role of Legal Discourse in the Change of Ottoman Imperial Culture"
Cornell Fleischer |
Affiliated Scholar, Ohio State University |
M. Pinar Emiralioglu | "Cognizance of the Ottoman World: Visual and Textual Representations in the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Empire (1514- 1596)"
Cornell Fleischer |
Associate Professor of History, Sam Houston State University |
Kenneth Garden | "Al-Ghāzalī’s Contested Revival: Iḥyā’ ‘ulūm aldīn and its Critics in Khorasan and the Maghrib"
Wadad Kadi |
Associate Professor of Religion, Tufts University |
Harold Hays | "The Typological Structure of the Pyramid Texts and Its Continuities with Middle Kingdom Mortuary Literature"
Robert Ritner |
Lecturer of Egyptology, Leiden University |
Michael Kozuh | "The Sacrificial Economy: On the Management of Sacrificial Sheep and Goats at the Neo- Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)"
Matthew Stolper |
Associate Professor of History, Auburn University |
Maha Nassar | "Affirmation and Resistance: Press, Poetry and the Formation of National Identity among Palestinian Citizens of Israel, 1948-1967"
Rashid Khalidi |
Associate Professor, Modern Middle East History, Islamic Studies, University of Arizona |
Israel Sandman | "The Sacrificial Economy: On the Management of Sacrificial Sheep and Goats at the Neo- Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)"
Norman Golb |
Senior Research Associate Dept of Hebrew & Jewish Studies, University College London |
Michael Wechsler | "The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ‘Eli the Karaite on the Book of Esther: Edition, Translation, and Introduction"
Norman Golb |
Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Blane Conklin | "Oath Formulae in Classical Hebrew and Other Semitic Languages"
Dennis Pardee |
Senior Business Analyst, University of Texas at Austin |
Francois Gaudard | "The Demotic Drama of Horus and Seth"
Janet Johnson |
Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Sooyong Kim | "Minding the Shop: Zati and the Making of Ottoman Poetry in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century"
Robert Dankoff |
Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Comparative Literature, Koç University |
Hratch Papazian | "Domain of Pharaoh: The Structure and Components of the Economy of Old Kingdom Egypt"
Robert Ritner |
Herbert Thompson Associate Professor in Egyptology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge |
Roschanack Shaery-Yazdi | "Constructing Lebanese Shiite Nationalism: Transnationalism, Shiism, and the Lebanese State"
Rashid Khalidi |
Associate Professor of the Modern Islamic World, Department of History, and Director of Center for Political History, University of Antwerp |
Fehrullah Terkan | "Recurrence of the Perennial Encounter? Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd on God's Knowledge of Particulars"
Wadad Kadi |
Professor of Islamic Philosophy, Ankara University |
Jason Ur | "Urbanism and Society in the Third Millenium Upper Khabur Basin"
McGuire Gibson |
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Nabil Al-Tikriti | "Sehzade Korkud (ca. 1468–1513) and the Articulation of Early 16th-Century Ottoman Religious Identity"
Robert Dankoff |
Associate Professor, History and American Studies, University of Mary Washington |
Mark Altaweel | "The Land of Ashur: A Study of Landscape and Settlement in the Assyrian Heartland"
McGuire Gibson |
Reader in Near East Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London |
Aaron Burke | "The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements of the Levant During the Middle Bronze Age"
David Schloen |
Professor of the Archaeology of Ancient Israel and the Levant, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA |
Jesse Casana | "From Alalakh to Antioch: Settlement, Land Use, and Environmental Change in the Amuq Valley of Southern Turkey"
Ashlihan Yener |
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Darthmouth College |
Judith Pfeiffer | "Conversion to Islam among the Ilkhans in Muslim Narrative Traditions: The Case of Ahmad Tegüder"
John Woods |
Alexander von Humboldt Professor in Islamic Studies, University of Bonn |
Tasha Vorderstrasse | "A Port of Antioch Under Byzantium, Islam, and the Crusades: Acculturation and Differentiation at al- Mina: A.D. 350-1268"
Fred Donner & Donald Whitcomb |
Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Gavin Brockett | "Betwixt and Between: Turkish Print Culture and the Emergence of National Identity, 1945-1954 "
Rashid Khalidi |
Associate Professor, History and Religion and Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University |
Robert Hawley | "Studies in Ugaritic Epistolography"
Dennis Pardee |
Faculty, Section des Sciences Religieuses, École Pratique des Hautes Études |
Tracy Hoffman | "Ascalon 'Arus al-Sham: Domestic Architecture and the Development of Byzantine-Islamic City"
Fred Donner & Donald Whitcomb |
Supervisor and Ceramists Specialist, Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
David Cook | "The Beginnings of Islam in Umayyad Syria"
Fred Donner |
Professor of Religious Studies, Rice University |
Khaled Keshk | "The Depiction of Mu'awiya in the Early Islamic Sources"
Fred Donner |
Associate Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, DePaul University |
Shari L. Lowin | "The Making of a Forefather: Abraham in Islamic and Jewish Exegetical Narratives"
Wadad Kadi |
Professor of Religious Studies, Stonehill College |
Scott Lucas | "The Art of Hadith Compilation and Criticism: A Study of the Emergence of Sunni Islam in the Third/Ninth Century"
Wadad Kadi |
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, The University of Arizona |
Mark Jonathan Wegner | "Islamic Government: The Medieval Sunni Islamic Theory of the Caliphate and the Debate Over the Revival of the Caliphate in Egypt, 1924-1926"
Rashid Khalidi |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Anne Broadbridge | "Mamluk Ideological and Diplomatic Relations with Mongol and Turkic Rulers of the Near East and Central Asia (658-807/1260-1405)"
John Woods |
Associate Professor of History, University of Massachusetts-Amherst |
Edward William Castle | "A Structural Study of Bronze Age Systems of Weight"
Edward Wente |
Annie Higgins | "The Qur'anic Exchange of the Self in the Poetry of Shurat (Khariji) Political Identity 38-132 A.H./651-750 A.D."
Wadad Kadi |
Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature , Wayne State University |
Joshua David Holo | "An Economic History of the Jews of Byzantium, from the Eve of the Arab Conquest to the Fourth Crusade"
Norman Golb |
Dean & Associate Professor of Jewish History, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion |
Ali J. Hussain | "A Developmental Analysis of the Events of Karbala in Early Islamic History."
Fred Donner |
Clemens Reichel | "Political Changes and Cultural Continuity in the Palace of the Rulers at Eshnunna (Tell Asmar) from the Ur III Period to the Isin-Larsa Period (ca. 2070-1850 B.C.)"
McGuire Gibson |
Associate Curator of the Ancient Near East, the Royal Ontario Museum & Assistant Professor of Mesopotamian Archaeology , University of Toronto |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Elizabeth Schiller Friedman | "Technological Style in Early Bronze Age Anatolia"
Ashlihan Yener |
Director, Professional Master's Programs and New Initiatives & Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, Dept. of Social Sciences, Illinois institute of Technology |
Paul Heck | "Qudama b. Jafar (d. 337/948) and his Kitab al-kharaj wa-sina'at al kitaba: Administrative Contributions to Knowledge"
Wadad Kadi |
Professor of Islamic Studies, Georgetown University |
Fumi Karahashi | "Sumerian Compound Verbs With Body Part Terms"
Miguel Civil |
Associate Professor of Ancient Oriental Studies, Faculty of Letters at Chuo University |
Ingrid M. Mattson | "A Believing Slave is Better than an Unbeliever: A Study of Social Stratification in Early Islamic Society"
Fred Donner |
London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies, Huron University College at Western University |
Alexandra Alice O’Brien | "Private Tradition, Public State: Women in Demotic Business and Administrative Texts from Ptolemaic and Roman Thebes."
Janet Johnson |
Anne Margaret Porter | "Mortality, Monuements and Mobilitiy: Ancestor Traditions and the Transcendence of Space"
McGuire Gibson |
Eric Reymond | "A Poetic Analysis of Ben Sira 40:11-44:17"
Dennis Pardee |
Senior Lector in Biblical Hebrew, Yale Divinity School |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
David Clemens | Adjunct Professor of Biblical Languages, Regent College | |
Timothy Joseph Collins | "Natural Illness in Babylonian Medical Incantations"
Walter Farber |
Sunil Sharma | "Poetics of Court and Prison in the Divan of Mas'ud-e Sa'd"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Professor of Persianate & Comparative Literature, Boston University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Andrew John Baumann | "The Suffix Conjugation of early Egyptian as Evidenced in the Underworld Books"
Edward Wente |
Assistant Director (Editorial Production Manager), Health Administration Press |
Marianne Kamp | "Unveiling Uzbek Women: Reform, Liberation and Discourse in Central Asia: 1906-1929"
John Perry |
Associate Professor, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University Bloomington |
Marion Holmes Katz | "Purified Companions: The Development of the Islamic Law of Ritual Purit"
Wadad Kadi |
Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University |
Katherine H. Lang | "Awâ?¦’il in Early Arabic Historiography: Beginnings and Identity in the Middle Abbasid Empire"
Wadad Kadi |
Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire |
Weldon C. Matthews III | "The Arab Istiqlal Party in Palestine"
Rashid Khalidi |
Associate Professor, Department of History, Oakland University |
Stuart Sears | "A Monetary History of Iraq and Iran, ca. CE 500 to 750"
Fred Donner |
Co-founder, Arabic Language Associates, LLC |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Paul M. Cobb | "White Banners: Contention in ‘Abbasid Syria, 750-877"
Fred Donner |
Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania |
Benjamin Fortna | "Education for the Empire: Ottoman State Secondary Schools during the Reign of Sultan Abdülhamid II (1876-1909)"
Rashid Khalidi |
Director & Professor, History of Modern Middle East and Ottoman Empire, University of Arizona |
Albert Paul Hardy | "Avicenna on Knowledge of the Self"
Scholar, Kalam Research & Media |
Brigitte Treumann | "The Role of Wood in the Rise and Decline of the Phoenician Settlements on the Iberian Peninsula"
McGuire Gibson |
Owner, Resources 2000 |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Camron Michael Amin | "The Attentions of the Great Father: Rezâ?¦ Shâ?¦h, “The Woman Question,” and the Iranian Press, 1890-1946"
Rashid Khalidi |
Professor of History, University of Michigan-Dearborn |
Aḥmad Qodrī Azizy | "Ikhtilāf among Muslim Jurists : A Translation and Analysis of al-Ṭaḥāwī's Chapter on "Judiciary and Testimonies" in His Ikhtilāf al-Fuqahāʼ"
Daniel Brown | "Rethinking Tradition: Modern Discussions of Sunna in Egypt and Pakistan"
Director, Institute for the Study of Religion in the Middle East |
John C. Darnell | "The Enigmatic Netherworld Books of the Solar-Osirian Unity: Cryptographic Compositions in the Tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI, and Ramesses IX"
Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Yale University |
Mohammad Hossam Fadel | "Adjudication in the Mālikī Madhhab : a Study of Legal Process in Medieval Islamic Law"
Professor & former Canada Research Chair for the Law and Economics of Islamic Law (2006-16), Faculty of Law, University of Toronto |
Rachel S. Hallote | "Mortuary Practices and their Implications for Social Organization in the Middle Bronze Southern Levant "
Professor of History, Purchase College SUNY |
R. Mulyadhi Kartanegara | "The Mukhtasar Siwan Al-Hikma of Umar B. Sahlan Al-Sawi: Arabic Text and Introduction"
Associate Professor, Centre for Islamic Studies, Universitit Brunei Darussalam |
Peter Lacovara | "State and Settlement: Deir el-Ballas and the Development, Structure, and Function of the New Kingdom Royal City"
Director, The Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Fund |
Stephen T. Parker | "Nominal and Prospective Uses of the SDM F in the Coffin Texts"
Douglas Penney | "Towards a Prehistory of Biblical Hebrew Roots: Phoneme Constraint and Polymorphism"
Associate Professor of Classical Languages; Classical Languages Section Coordinator, Wheaton College |
Terry G. Wilfong | "'The Woman of Jême': Women's Roles in a Coptic Town in Late Antique Egypt"
Professor of Egyptology and Curator for Graeco-Roman Egypt, University of Michigan |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Stuart Creason | "Semantic Classes of Hebrew Verbs: A Study of Aktionsart in the Hebrew Verbal System"
Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago |
Ahmet Hadi | "Dialectical Methodology and its Critique: Ghazali as a Case Study"
Lecturer, Faculty of Theology, Ankara University |
Timothy P. Harrison | "Life On the Edge: Human Adaptation and Resilience in the Semi-arid Highlands of Central Jordan during the Early Bronze Age"
Professor, Department of Near and ME Civilizations, University of Toronto |
Marlis J. Saleh | "Government Relations with the Coptic Community in Egypt during the Fāṭimid Period (358-567 A.H./969-1171 C.E.)"
Bibliographer for Middle East Studies, University of Chicago Library |
David Douglas Testen | "Asseverative LA- in Arabic and related Semitic particles "
Anthony J. Tomasino | "Daniel and the Revolutionaries: The Use of the Daniel Tradition by Jewish Resistance Movements of Late Second-Temple Palestine"
Lead Pastor, Caro United Methodist Church |
Judith M. Wilks | "Aspects of the Köroğlu Destan: Chodźko and Beyond"
John Perry |
Instructor, Northwestern University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Elise Auerbach | "Terra Cotta Plaques from the Diyala and their Archaeological and Cultural Contexts"
US Director of the American Institute of Indian Studies, Country Specialist for Iran and Jordan of Amnesty International USA |
Sejin Koh | "An Archaeological Investigation of the Snake Cult in the Southern Levant: The Chalcolithic Period through the Iron Age"
Former President, Professor, Asian Center for Theological Studies & Missions |
Gary Long | "Simile, Metaphor, and the Song of Songs"
Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies , Bethel University |
Paul E. Losensky | "'Welcoming Fighānī': Imitation, Influence, and Literary Change in the Persian Ghazal, 1480-1680"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Professor, Departments of Central Eurasian Studies and Comparative Literature, Indiana University Bloomington |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Clarissa C. Burt | "Parallelism in Jāhiliyya Poetry and the Northwest Semitic Connection"
Associate Professor, Languages and Cultures Department, United States Naval Academy |
Richard L. Goerwitz | "Tiberian Hebrew Pausal Forms"
Data Warehouse Architect, Carleton College |
Lisa Ann Heidorn | "The Fortress of Dorginarti and Lower Nubia during the Seventh to Fifth Centuries B.C."
Research Associate, Oriental Institute Nubia Expedition |
Augusta McMahon | "The Early Dynastic Akkadian Transition in Southern Mesopotamia"
Reader in Mesopotamian Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge |
Sholeh Alysia Quinn | "Historical Writing During the Reign of Shâh ʻAbbâs I"
John Woods |
Associate Professor of History, University of California Merced |
Brannon M. Wheeler | "Applying the Canon: The Authorization and Maintenance of Interpretive Reasoning in Sunnī Fiqh Scholarship"
Professor of History, United States Naval Academy |
Grace Kate-Sue White | "The Religious Iconography of Cappadocian Glyptic in the Assyrian Colony Period and its Significance in the Hittite New Kingdom "
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Peter Ross Bedford | "Temple and Community in Early Achaemenid Judah"
John and Jane Wold Professor of Religious Studies, Union College |
Raymond Johnson | "An Asiatic Battle Scene of Tutankhamun from Thebes: A Late Amarna Antecedent of the Ramesside Battle-narrative Tradition "
Research Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, Director of Epigraphic Survey, Oriental Institute |
Joseph Manning | "The Conveyance of Real Property in Upper Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period: A Study of the Hauswaldt Papyri and Other Related Demotic Instruments of Transfer"
William K. & Marilyn Milton Simpson Professor of Classics & History; Senior Research Scholar, Law School, Yale University |
Cynthia Miller | "Reported Speech in Biblical and Epigraphic Hebrew"
Senior Professor and Head of Department, University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa |
Peter Theodore Nash | "The Hebrew Qal Active Participle: A Non-aspectual Narrative Backgrounding Element"
Professor, Wartburg College |
Ernest Shreeves Tucker IV | "Religion and Politics in the Era of Nâdir Shâh : The Views of Six Contemporary Sources"
Professor of History of the Middle East, Central Asia, Iran, Turkey, United States Naval Academy |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Peter A. Piccione | "The Historical Development of the Game of Senet and its Significance for Egyptian Religion"
Associate Professor of History, College of Charleston |
Yvonne J. Seng | "The Üsküdar Estates (Tereke) as Records of Everyday Life in an Ottoman Town"
Emily Teeter | "The Presentation of Ma'at: The Iconography and Theology of an Ancient Egyptian Offering Ritual"
Research Associate and Curator, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Edward James Walker | "Aspects of the Primaeval Nature of Egyptian Kingship: Pharoah as Atum"
Iftikhar Zaman | "The Evolution of a Hadith: Transmission, Growth and the Science of Rijal in a Hadith of Saʻd b. Abi Waqqas"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Edward Brovarski | "The Inscribed Material of the First Intermediate Period from Naga-ed-Dêr"
Adjunct Research Scholar, Department of Ar of the Ancient World, Boston Museum of Fine Arts |
Steven W. Cole | "Nippur in Late Assyrian Times, 750-612 B.C."
Senior Lecturer in Classics and Assistant Dean for Faculty Evaluation, Northwestern University |
Peter der Manuelian | "Studies in Archaism of the Egyptian Twenty-Sixth Dynasty"
Barbara Bell Professor of Egyptology; Director of the Harvard Semitic Museum, Harvard University |
Ronald Lee Gorny | "Al ̧isar Höyük in the Second Millennium B.C."
College Adviser, University of Chicago |
Gary S. Greig | "The Influence of the Semantic Categories of Egyptian Verbs of Perception and Cognition on Grammatical Structure in Late Egyptian"
Vice President for Content, Bible and Theology, Gospel Light Publications / Regal Books |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Sabah Jasim Abdul-Amir | "Archaeological Survey of Ancient Settlements and Irrigation Systems in the Middle Euphrates Region of Mesopotamia "
James Alan Armstrong | "The Archaeology of Nippur from the Decline of the Kassite Kingdom until the Rise of the Neo-Babylonian Empire"
Antony Greenwood | "Istanbul's Meat Provisioning: A Study of the Celepkeşan System"
Adjunct Faculty, Department of History, Boğaziçi University |
Richard Jasnow | "A Late Period Hieratic Wisdom Text: P. Brooklyn 47.218.135"
Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University |
Carol Ann Redmount | "On an Egyptian/Asiatic Forntier: An Archaeological History of the Wadi Tumilat"
Professor of Near Eastern Studies, University of California Berkeley |
Raymond D. Tindel | "The History and Culture of Ẓafār"
Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Bruce Theo Verhaaren | "Architecture and Archaeological Analysis: Between the Early and Middle Bronze Ages at Kurban Höyük, Turkey"
Assistant Environmental Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Abbas Alizadeh | "Mobile Pastoralism and the Development of Complex Societies in Highland Iran: The Evidence from Tall-i-Bakun A"
Helene Kantor |
Senior Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Lorelei Corcoran | "Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt"
Director, Institute of Egyptian Art & Archaeology Professor of Art History, Department of Art, University of Memphis |
John C. Eisele | "The Syntax and Semantics of Tense, Aspect and Time Reference in Cairene Arabic"
Arabic Studies Program Director, Associate Professor of Arabic Studies, College of William & Mary |
Scott C. Layton | "Archaic Features of Canaanite Personal Names in the Hebrew Bible"
John Gregory McMahon | "The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities"
Associate Professor of Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies Linguistics, University of New Hampshire |
Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud | "The Concept of Knowledge in Islam and its Implications on the National System of Education in the Malaysian Context"
Director/Founder of Center for Advanced Studies on Islam, Science and Civilisation (CASIS),, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia |
Jo Ann Scurlock | "Magical Means of Dealing with Ghosts in Ancient Mesopotamia"
Adjunct Full Professor, History Department, Elmhurst College |
Michael Owen Wise | "The Temple Scroll: Its Composition, Date, Purpose and Provenance"
Scholar-in-Residence, Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Languages, University of Northwestern, St. Paul |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Guillermo Algaze | "Mesopotamian Expansion and its Consequences: Informal Empire in the Late 4th Millenium B.C."
Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC San Diego |
Richard Beal | "The Organization of the Hittite Military"
Senior Research Associate, Chicago Hittite Dictionary, Oriental Institute |
Gillian R. Bentley | "Kinship and Social Structure at Early Bronze IA Bab edh-Dhra', Jordan: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Mortuary and Dental Data"
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Durham University |
Mustafa Cerić | "A Study of the Theology of Abu Mansur al-Maturidi: (ca. 235/850-944)"
President, World Bosniac Congress |
John D. Currid | "Archaeological Investigations into the Grain Storage Practices of Iron Age Palestine"
Chancellor's Professor of Old Testament , Reformed Theological Seminary |
Aḥmad Zakī Mansūr Ḥammād | "Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī's Juristic Doctrine in al- Mustaṣfá min ʻilm aluṣūl: With a Translation of Volume One of al- Mustaṣfá min ʻilm aluṣūl"
Thomas Emil Homerin | "Filled with a Burning Desire: Ibn al-Fāriḍ, Poet, Mystic, and Saint"
Jaroslav Stetkevych |
Professor of Religion, University of Rochester |
Robert Ritner | "The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice"
Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
Robert Schick | "The Fate of the Christians in Palestine during the Byzantine-Umayyad Transition, A.D. 600-750"
Research Associate, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz |
Samuel Richard Wolff | "Maritime Trade at Punic Carthage"
Excavations, Surveys & Research Department, Israeli Antiquities Authority |
Yang Zhi | "A Study of the Sargonic Archive from Adab"
Professor Emeritus, Institute for the the History of Ancient Civilizations at Northeast Normal University, China |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Peter Dorman | "The Monuments of Senenmut: Problems in Historical Methodology"
Professor Emeritus of Egyptology, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute, Professor of History and Archaeology, President, American University of Beirut, American University of Beirut |
Joseph A. Greene | "The Carthaginian Countryside: Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Hinterland of Ancient Carthage"
Deputy Director and Curator, Harvard Semitic Museum |
Valerie J. Hoffman | "The Religious Life of Muslim Women in Contemporary Egypt"
Professor of Islamic Studies, Department of Religion, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign |
Masataka Takeshita | "Ibn ʻArabi's theory of the perfect man and its place in the history of Islamic thought"
Professor Emeritus, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Tokyo |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Sandra Landis Gogel | "A Grammar of Old Hebrew"
President and Founder, La Source Parisienne, Antique Consultancy and Excursion Company |
Russell George Kempiners Jr. | "The Struggle for Khurâsân: Aspects of Political, Military and Socio-economic Interaction in the Early 8th/14th Century"
Ann Macy Roth | "Egyptian Phyles of the Old Kingdom"
Clinical Associate Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and Art History, New York University |
Elizabeth Jane Sherman | "Nonclassical Orthographic Features of Late Period Hieroglyphic Egyptian: 400 to 280 B.C."
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Eugene Cruz-Uribe | "Saite and Persian Demotic Cattle Documents and their Use in the Legal System in Ancient Egypt"
Professor of History, Indiana University East |
Nurcholish Madjid | "Ibn Taymiyya on Kalām and Falsafa: A Problem of Reason and Revelation in Islam"
Rector, Paramadina University, Indonesia |
Richard L. Zettler | "The Ur III Inanna Temple at Nippur"
Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Alparslan Açıkgenç | "The Concept of Existence in Ṣadrā and Heidegger"
Professor of Philosophy, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey |
Ibrahim al-Sinjilawi | "The Lament for Fallen Cities: A Study of the Development of the Elegiac Genre in Classical Arabic Poetry"
Ahmad Syafi'i Maarif | "Islam as the Basis of State: A Study of the Islamic Political Ideas as Reflected in the Constituent Assembly Debates in Indonesia"
Senior Lecturer, IKIP Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
Tamara Sonn | "Bandalī al-Jawzī's The History of Intellectual Movements in Islam"
Professor in the History of Islam, Georgetown University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Douglas L. Esse | "Beyond Subsistence: Beth Yerah and Northern Palestine in the Early Bronze Age"
Lawrence Stager |
Former Assistant Professor, Oriental Institute |
Marcia K. Hermansen | "Shāh Walī Allāh's theory of religion in Ḥujjat Allāh al-bāligha : with a translation of Volume I of Ḥujjat Allāh albāligha"
Professor, Theology Department, Loyola University Chicago |
Bruce Alan Masters | "The Merchants of Aleppo (1630-1730): The Commercial and Financial Life of an Ottoman Arab City"
Professor of History, Wesleyan University |
Carol Meyer | "Stone Artifacts from Tutub, Eshnunna, and Nippur"
Research Associate, Oriental Institute |
Samuel Michael Shahid | "Mihyār al-Daylamī: His Biography, Poetic Work, and its Characteristics"
Professor Emeritus, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary |
Raphael Ventura | "Living in a City of the Dead: A Selection of Topographical and Administrative Terms in the Documents of the Theban Necropolis"
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Archaeology Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology Tel Aviv University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
James P. Allen | "The Inflection of the Verb in the Pyramid Texts"
Professor of Egyptology, Brown University |
Donna Lee Bowen | "Contemporary Muslim Religious Attitudes toward Family Planning in Morocco"
Professor of Political Science, Brigham Young University |
Eric Doret | "Old and Middle Egyptian Narrative Verbal System"
Grant Frame | "Babylonia 689-627 B.C., a Political History"
Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Director of the Center for Ancient Studies, University of Pennsylvania |
John Walter Jandora | "Buṭrus al-Bustānī: Ideas, Endeavors, and Influence"
Supervisory Analyst, US Army Special Operations Command, Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Webster University |
Paul Sprachman | "The Comic Works of ʻUbayd-I Zākānī : A Study of Medieval Persian Bawdy, Verbal Aggression, and Satire"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Assistant Professor of Persian, Rutgers University |
Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych | "Innovation in a Literary Tradition: Abu Tamman, Poet and Anthologist"
Jaroslav Stetkevych |
Sultan Qaboos bin Said Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies and Chair, Georgetown University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Irene A. Bierman | "Art and Politics: The Impact of Fatimid Uses of Ṭirāz Fabrics"
Professor Emerita, Department of Art History, UCLA |
Paul E. Zimansky | "The Political and Economic Organization of the Urartian State"
Professor of Archaeology and Ancient History, SUNY-Stony Brook |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Valerie M. Fargo | "Settlement in Southern Palestine during Early Bronze III"
Director, the Coppage-Gordon School for Ministry |
Leon Marfoe | "Between Qadesh and Kumidi: A History of Frontier Settlement and Land Use in the Biqaʻ, Lebanon"
Mark Smith | "The Demotic Mortuary Papyrus Louvre E. 3452"
Professor of Egyptology, University of Oxford |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Hillel Gideon Fradkin | "Ibn Tufayl's Ḥayy Ibn Yaqẓān on the Relationship of Mysticism, Prophecy, and Philosophy"
Director, Center on Islam, Democracy and the Future the Muslim World, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute |
Robert George Hassert | "The Late Bronze Age Painted Pottery of Palestine and Syria: Quantitative and Stylistic Analyses"
Thomas F. Michel | "Ibn Taymiyya's al-Jawāb al-ṣaḥīḥ :A Muslim Theologian's Response to Christianity"
Adjunct Professor, Senior Fellow, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University |
Umar Fārūq Abd-Allāh | "Mālik's Concept of ʻAmal in the Light of Mālikī Legal Theory"
Chairman of the Board, Scholar-in-Residence, Nawawi Foundation |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Necia Gamm | "Riyāżı̄'s Riyāż us-Şuʻarā"
Albert Leonard | "The Nature and Extent of the Mycenaen Presence in the Southeastern Mediterranean"
Professor Emeritus, Department of Religious Studies & Classics, University of Arizona |
Juris Zarins | "The Domestication of Equidae in Third Millennium B.C. Mesopotamia"
Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Missouri State University |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Jesse L. Boyd III | "A Collection and Examination of the Ugaritic Vocabulary Contained in the Akkadian Texts from Ras Shamra"
Michael Bylebel | "The Wisdom of Illumination: A Study of the Prose Stories of Suhrawardi"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Yousef Majidzadeh | "The Early Prehistoric Cultures of the Central Plateau of Iran: An Archaeological History of its Development during the Fifth and Fourth Millennia B.C."
Professor Emeritus, University of Tehran |
David Walter Nasgowitz | "Prices of Commodities, Slaves, and Real Estate at Ugarit in the Fourteenth-Thirteenth Centuries B.C."
Adjunct Professor of Religion, College of DuPage |
Bruce Williams | "Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period"
Research Associate, Oriental Institute |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Margaret Whitney Green | "Eridu in Sumerian Literature"
Ziaul Haque (d. 1988) | "Theory and Practice of Land Tenure in Early Islam: Origin and Development of the Legal Doctrine of m̲ u̲z̲a̲r̲a̲ʻ̲a̲"
Chief of Research, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics |
Bernard Lalor | "The Politics and the Reforms of Sultan Mahmud II, 1826-1839"
Saleh Omar | "Ibn al-Haytham and Greek Optics: A Comparative Study in Scientific Methodology"
Dennis G. Pardee | "The Preposition in Ugaritic"
Henry Crown Professor of Hebrew Studies, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
David P. Silverman | "Interrogative Constructions with jn and jn-jw in Spoken and Written Old and Middle Egyptian"
Professor of Egyptology and Curator of Penn Museum's Egyptian Section, University of Pennsylvania |
John David Whitehead | "Early Aramaic Epistolography: The Arsames Correspondence"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Michael C. Hillmann | "Unity in the Ghazals of Ḥāfeẓ"
Heshmat Moayyad |
Professor, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin |
Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati | "The Early Trans- Caucasian Culture: Geographical and Chronological Interaction"
Visiting Professor at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles |
Paul E. Walker | "Abū Yaʻqūb al-Sijistānī and the Development of Ismaili Neoplatonism"
Senior Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Miriam S. Galston | "Opinion and Knowledge in Farabis' Understanding of Aristotle's Philosophy"
Associate Professor of Law, George Washington University |
Syed Salman Nadvi | "ʻAbd Allāh ibn al-Zubayr and the Caliphate"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Janet H. Johnson | "Demotic Verbs and Dialects"
Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor of Egyptology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
Harriet P. Martin | "Fara: An Archaeological Study of a Third- Millennium City"
Former Director, British Institute for the Study of Iraq |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Elizabeth Carter | "Elam in the Second Millennium B.C.: The Archaeological Evidence"
Professor Emeritus, UCLA |
William M. Hutchins | "Fakhr al-Din al-Razi on Knowledge"
Professor of Religious Studies, Appalachian State University |
Luke Matthew Kuriakos | "Non-paradigmatic Forms of Weak Verbs in Masoretic Hebrew"
Martin J. McDermott | "The Theology of al- Shaikh al-Mufīd: Its Relation to the Imamite Traditionalists and to the Baghad Mutazilites"
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif | "Ghazali's Theory of Virtue"
Joan Westenholz | "Some Aspects of Old Babylonian Syntax as Found in the Letters of the Period"
Former Chief Curator, Bible Lands Museum |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
John B. Callender | "Coptic Nominal Sentences and Related Constructions"
Professor Emeritus of Egyptian, UCLA |
Rudolph Henry Dornemann | "The Cultura and Archaeological History of the Transjordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages"
Tarif Khalidi | "Mas'ūdī's theory and practice of history"
Sheikh Zayed Chair in Islamic and Arabic Studies, American University Beirut |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Jerrold S. Cooper | "Sumero-Akkadian Literary Bilingualism"
W.W. Spence Professor Emeritus of Semitic Languages, Johns Hopkins University |
Khalid Taha El-Dissouky | "Elephantine in the Old Kingdom"
Leonard H. Lesko | "The Composition of the Book of Two Ways"
Professor Emeritus of Egyptology, Brown University |
A. Marzal-Gonzales | "The Organization of the Mari State"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
McGuire Gibson | "The City and Area of Kish"
Professor of Mesopotamian Archaeology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Carl E. DeVries (1921-2010) | "Attitudes of the Ancient Egyptians Toward Physical-Recreative Activities "
Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (1963-4); Research Associate, Oriental Institute (1965-75); Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL; Interim Pastor, South Shore Baptist Church (1951-52) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Rivkah Brickman Harris (1928-2017) | "The Archive of the Sin Temple in Tutub (Khafajah)"
Ezzat O. Negahban (1926-2009) | "The Buff Ware Sequence in Khuzistan"
Donald McCown |
Professor, Department of Archaeology, Tehran University (1956-79), Dean of Letters and Sciences (1975-79), Director, Iran Bastan Museum (1966-68) |
Jeanny E. Vorys (1929-2007) | "A Study of Stratigraphy, Pottery and Burials from Sites of the Second Millenium B.C. in Central Anatolia"
Robert Braidwood (?) Robert McC. Adams (?) |
Later, Jeanny Vorys Canby. PhD at Bryn Mawr; Visiting Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University; Curator, Ancient Near East wing,, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Rashid Salem El-Nadoury (1913-) | "The Egyptian Term hʻ -nswt and the Problems of the "Accession" of the Egyptian King"
Faisal Jasim El-Wailly (1920-) | "The Political History of the Kassite Period in Babylonia"
Director-General of Antiquities, Baghdad |
Wolfgang William Hallo (1928-2015) | "The Ensi's of the Ur III Dynasty"
I.J. Gelb |
Professor, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion (1956-62); Professor, Assyriology and Babylonian Literature, and Curator, Babylonian Collection, Yale (1961-2002) |
Richard Rolland Mertz | "Some Aspects of Egyptian Autobiography before the New Kingdom"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Barbara G. Mertz (1927-2013) | "Certain Titles of the Egyptian Queens and their Bearing on the Hereditary Right to the Throne"
John A. Wilson |
Author (also as Barbara Michaels, Elizabeth Peters, and Barbara Mertz), |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Herbert Harry Paper (1925-2012) | "The Phonology and Morphology of Royal Achaemenid Elamite"
Hebrew Union College (1977-99), Fulbright Scholarship, Iran (1952); Professor of Linguistics and Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan (1953-77); Dean of Graduate Studies |
Nataraj Govindji Vashi (1924-1999) | "Dance in Sanskrit Literature from Pāṇini to Bharata Mun"
Hindu philosophy and dance, Black Mountain College |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Leroy Richard Hammill (1913-1997) | "Biblical interpretation in the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha"
Clergyman (Seventh Day Adventist), Missionary, Professor, President, Andrews University (1963-76) |
Charles O. Hucker (1919-) | "Dance in the Early Sanskrit Literature"
Instructor, University of Arizona and Oakland University; Chair, Department of Far Eastern Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan (1965-83) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
George M. Haddad (1910-2000) | "Aspects of Social Life in Antioch in the Hellenistic-Roman Period"
Syrian State University, Damascus (1950-60); Professor, Committee on Middle Eastern Studies, UC Santa Barbara (1960-1980); University of San Francisco |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
William John McCoy, Jr. (1924-2007) | "Some Principles of the Evolution in Character Forms as Found in the Bronze Inscriptions of the Chou Dynasty"
PhD in Linguistics at Cornell (1966); Professor of Chinese, Japanese, and Mongolian, Cornell (1966-84) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Richard Augusto Caminos (1915-1992) | "Osorkon's annals : being a translation of, and a philological commentary on, the hieroglyphic texts inscribed on the Bubastite gate in the great temple of Amun at Karnak"
Queen’s College, Oxford (1945-6); Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute Chicago at Luxor (1947-50); Professor, Brown University, 1952-79; Visiting Professor, University of Leningrad and the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, (1973-4) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Linda Braidwood (1909-2003) | "Artifactual Materials of Terminal Food-gathering Stage of North Africa and the Near East"
Research Associate, Joint Chicago-Istanbul Prehistoric Project, Oriental Institute (1947-76) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Helene J. Kantor (1919-1993) | "Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East"
Professor Emerita, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
Miriam Lichtheim (1914-2004) | ""The Songs of the Harpers" "
Keith Seele, John Wilson, Henri Frankfort |
New School for Social Research (New York); Academic Librarian, Yale; Near East Bibliographer, UCLA (retired 1974); Lecturer in Egyptian Literature, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (1982-88) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Robert Braidwood (1907-2003) | "The Comparative Archaeology of Early Syria: From the Time of the Earliest Known Village Cultures through the Akkadian Period"
Henri Frankfort |
Professor, Departments of Anthropology and NELC (1945-78); Member, National Academy of Sciences |
Edwin R. Thiele (1895-1986) | "The Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel"
Emmanuel Missionary College (1937-) Professor of Antiquity, Andrews University (1963-65) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Donald Eugene McCown (1910-1985) | "A Historical Study of the Material Culture of Iran, Down to the Middle of the Third Millennium"
Henri Frankfort / A. Olmstead |
Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures (NELC), University of Chicago (1942-55) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Israel Horowitz (1908-2006) | "The Structure of a Coptic Donation Contract"
Ann Louise Perkins (1915-2006) | "The Comparative Stratigraphy of Prehistoric Mesopotamia"
Henri Frankfort |
Research Associate, Yale (1949-65); Professor, Art History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (1965-78) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Holger Alrik Lindsjo (1907-1994) | "A Study of the Hebrew Root [shuv] and its Religious Concepts"
Ruth Cutter Nash (d. 1967) | "The Relationship of Egyptian to the Semitic and Hamitic Languages: A Critical Bibliography"
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Lynn Wood Harper (1887-) | "The Evolution of Systems of Defense in Palestine"
Charles Francis Nims (1906-1988) | "University of Michigan Demotic Papyri: Papyri from Philadelphia"
Field Director, Oriental Institute Epigraphic Survey |
Lewis Victor Thomas (1914-1965) | "Contribution Toward a Bibliography of Turkish Studies"
Robert College, Istanbul PhD Free University, Belgium (1947) Professor, Oriental Studies, Princeton (1949-65) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Allen Diehl Albert, Jr (1901-1972) | "The Development of the City in Ancient Babylonia and Assyria"
Professor, Department of Sociology, Emory University |
Alexander Heidel (1907-1955) | "The Quadriliteral Verb in Akkadian"
I.J. Gelb |
Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Anis Furayhah (1903-1992) | "Quadriliterals from the dialect of Ras al-Matn (Lebanon)"
Professor, American University of Beirut (1929-67), and Lebanese University (1969-74) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Morris Gross (1904-1989) | "The Relation of Blessing and Cursing in the Psalms to the Evolution of Hebrew Religion" additional 1932 MA in Department Of Old Testament on "Family Life in Ancient Israel"
Richard Treadwell Hallock (1906-1980) | "The Chicago Syllabary and the Louvre Syllabary AO 7661"
Oriental Institute Research Associate, Assyrian Dictionary Project (1934-41 and 1947-63); War Department, Washington DC (1941-47); Associate Professor, Oriental Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago (1963-1971) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Nabia Abbott | "The Ḳurrah Papyri of the Oriental Institute"
Martin Sprengling |
Professor Emerita, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago & Oriental Institute |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Nejla Mustapha (Abu) Izzeddin | "Taha Husain and the Dawn of Islam"
PhD in 1934, author of several books on the Druze and the Arab world, associated with Vassar College |
Calvin Wells McEwan (1906-1950) | "The Oriental Origin of Hellenistic Kingship"
Oriental Institute, directed excavations at Halay-Catal Hoylik. Tell al-ludaidah, Tell Tayinat, Tell Dhahab, and Tell Kurdu in Amuq Valley, 1932-38. Major, US Army, WWII |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Constantine Zurayk (Qusṭanṭīn Zurayq, 1909-2000) | "Miskawaihi's Ethics and Greek Thought"
Martin Sprengling |
PhD Princeton (under Philip Hitti), Professor, American University of Beirut, Syrian Delegation to the UN (1945-6), Vice President AUB (1952-); coined the term "Nakba" |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Hans Henning von der Osten (1899-1960) | "Explorations in Central Anatolia (season 1926)"
James Henry Breasted (?) |
Chair of Archaeology, Ankara University (1936-39); Professor, University of Uppsala (1951-59); Director DAI, Tehran (1960) |
William Ernest Frank Ward (1900-1994) | "Egyptian Royal Messenger Service, The Predecessor of Later European Diplomacy"
James Henry Breasted (?) |
Director of Education, British Colonial Education Service, Mauritius |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Fred William Geers | "A Babylonian Omen-text"
Daniel David Luckenbill (?) |
John Albert Wilson (1899-1976) | "The Texts of the battle of Kadesh"
James Henry Breasted (?) |
Professor of Egyptology, Oriental Langs. & Lits., University of Chicago; Director of Oriental Institute (1936-46) |
Name | Dissertation Title / Advisor | Job Placement |
Gertrude Voigtlander Tweedie (1885-1953) | "The relation of Hindu and Muhammadan cultures to each other in India"