Support MES

Support the Department
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1952 (

The Department of Middle Eastern Studies is grateful for the generous support of friends and alumni. Gifts to the department make a transformational impact on our ability to teach more than twenty languages each year, support student research, and build public programming that advances the study and understanding of the Middle East. 

We welcome donations in any amount. On the donation page, you can indicate if you would like to support a specific project or program, some of which are listed below. You may do this in the "special instructions" section of the online giving form. 

UChicago Majalla

UChicago Majalla is the University of Chicago’s first-ever fully-Arabic magazine. Created and edited by UChicago undergraduates, Majalla solicits original Arabic works on Arabic culture, current events, travel, history, pop culture, academic writing, creative writing, fiction, poetry, and photography from Chicago students at all stages of Arabic study.

If you want your donation to go directly towards supporting the printing and distribution of Majalla, please note this in the "special instructions" section of the online giving form. 

Sitting Down with UChicago Majalla (The Chicago Maroon, April 2017)

Language Circles

Language circles provide weekly opportunities for speakers and students of modern languages to listen to lectures given in the language of interest by faculty, students, and outside speakers. These include Arabic Circle, Armenian Circle, Hebrew Circle, Persian Circle, and Turkish Circle.

Languages circles are organized and run by graduate students in MES and CMES. Donations go towards providing food and beverages for meetings, helping pay for outside speakers to travel to campus, and publicity efforts to recruit more graduate and undergraduate participants.